Hello there it's me the owner of this neglected blog! First of all HAPPY EASTER! Sorry there haven't been many updates recently regarding my work, we (Oli and I) are currently days from completion on the sale for our first home which is pretty exciting! The house is an absolute dream and recently it's been very difficult to think of anything else other than wallpaper swatches, paint colours and vintage furniture on eBay. As well at the house which has pretty much taken over my thoughts at the moment, I have also put a deposit on a new born pug puppy which I've called Teddy. I am counting down the days until I can pick him up and the beginning of May. He's utterly lovely and yet another excuse to be distracted.
But there will be some updates coming on what I have been up to creatively soon. In the meantime here are a couple of pictures of what I have been up to.

To see more of what I am up to feel free to follow my Instagram for most recent updates. @sophiebrabbins

Daisy and Me

Teddy (Just over 1 week old)